Tenth International Conference on


Main Conference page MSMF10
in Brno, Czech Republic
September 12 - 14, 2022
Main Conference page

Main Conference page Tenth International Conference on
Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture
MSMF10, in Brno, Czech Republic, September 12 - 14, 2022



The final version of the contribution should be prepared in the same manner as the previous version of the manuscript. Submit both DOCX and PDF files by using the MSMF registration page.
In case the paper is recommended to publish as it is, the new version is optional. Despite this fact, the "Author's Declaration" has to be submitted.

Deadline: October 16, 2022


English must be used for papers, posters and presentations at the Conference.


A special issue of the scientific journal "Procedia Structural Integrity" devoted to the MSMF9 will appear in the beginning of the year 2023. Papers for this issue underwent a peer-review procedure.

Following items are mandatory for each accepted contribution:

  1. Manuscript for the PSI journal has to match enclosed instructions. Extent: 6 pages for standard contributions and invited section key-notes and 8 pages for invited plenary key-notes. Authors should carefully checked the accord with the template MSMF10pap.dotm (or read the same information in the file MSMF10pap.pdf). If you wrote your manuscript in LaTeX, use the relevant instruction and style files again.
  2. Author should follow the final decision of the peer review, communicated during the conference time.
  3. Authors have to fill in and submit an "Author's Declaration". Please download the necessary form in XLSX format here.
  4. The source electronic version should be converted into the PDF format and both DOCX and PDF versions together with "Author's Declaration" has to be submitted using the MSMF registration form.

Deadline: October 16, 2022


Plenary lectures: 45 min including discussion
Section keynotes: 30 min including discussion
Other orals: 15 min including discussion
Current audio-visual aids will be available, inclusive dataprojector (connected computer is equiped by the MS Powerpoint and the Adobe Reader). Private laptop computer can be connected as well.
Poster presentation: panels for poster presentation, 135×95 cm (height × width), will be available during the whole conference time. Authors are asked to fix the posters in the beginning of the conference program and to be present at their posters at least during the block reserved for poster presentations.


A short abstract containing max 200 words (plain text) is a part of the pre-registration form. It should serve for the decision of an acceptance of the contribution. Authors will be notified of the acceptance of their abstracts and presentations in January 2019.

Deadline: January 31, 2022


Abstract Booklet containing camera-ready extended abstracts of all accepted contributions will be available at the beginning of the conference.


Following items are mandatory for each accepted contribution:

  1. Extended abstract, size 1 page, prepared in electronic MS Word format DOCX, according to enclosed instructions (for the abstract booklet). Use file MSMF9abs.dotx as a template or read the same information in the file MSMF9abs.pdf.
  2. Manuscript for the PSI journal according to enclosed instructions. Extent: 6 pages for standard contributions and invited section key-notes and 8 pages for invited plenary key-notes. Authors should also keep DOCX versions of their manuscripts (for eventual corrections suggested by a reviewer). Use file MSMF9pap.dotm as a template or read the same information in the file MSMF9pap.pdf.
    During the conference time, all authors will be announced about the final decision of their manuscripts (including further instructions).
    If you plan to write your maniscript in LaTeX, contact conference secretariat to obtain instruction and relevant style files.
  3. The conference fee must be paid by May 31, at latest (simmultaneously with the deadline for submission of the extended abstract and the manuscript).
The contribution should be prepared in the electronic form as a standard document format DOCX, and a suitable text editor (as MS Word2010 or newer) should be used. The electronic version should be converted into the PDF format and both DOCX and PDF versions is to be submitted by using the MSMF registration form.

Deadline: May 31, 2022

Page access: 3503 To the main page Last modification: September 15, 2022.