Tenth International Conference on


Main Conference page MSMF10
in Brno, Czech Republic
September 12 - 14, 2022
Main Conference page

Main Conference page Tenth International Conference on
Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture
MSMF10, in Brno, Czech Republic, September 12 - 14, 2022

Preliminary Program Overview

Time tableSection:Plenary123456Posters

Preliminary Program Overview

Section 4: Advanced methods for investigation of microstructure, surfaces and interfaces
 Monday September 12, 16:00 - 18:00, room: P2(a), chair: Tomáš Kruml
 16:00Christian Motz, Jorge Rafael VelayarceDislocation – Grain Boundary Interactions Studied by Micro Sample Fatigue Testinginvited
 16:30Daria Drozdenko, Jan Bohlen, Sangbong Yi, Peter Minárik, Andrea Szabóova, Kristián Máthis, František Chmelík, Patrik DobroňAdvanced in-situ Techniques for Investigation of Plastic Deformation of Mg Alloysinvited
 17:00Anja Weidner, Alexei Vinogradov, Malte Vollmer, Mario Kriegel, Yuri Chumlyakov, Thomas Niendorf, Horst BiermannStudies on the Functional Degradation of Fe–Mn–Al–Ni Shape Memory Alloy under Compression using Acoustic Emission Measurementsoral
 17:15Štěpán Gamanov, Ladislav Poczklán, Tomáš Kruml, Antonín DlouhýA Step Size Dependence of KAM, GROD and GND Parameters Calculated from HR-EBSDoral
 17:30Jelena Djoković, Ružica NikolićPrediction of the Propagation Direction of a Crack that Attacks the Interface at an Arbitrary Angleoral
 17:45Pavel Doubek, Lucie Malíková, Petr Miarka, Stanislav SeitlLaser Cladded Protective Layer on the S960: Microhardness in the Vicinity of the Bi-material Interfaceoral
 Tuesday September 13, 11:00 - 12:00, room: P2(b), chair: Stanislava Fintová
 11:00David Holec, Lukas Hatzenbichler, Stefan ZeislAb initio Predictions of Thermally Stable High Entropy Alloysinvited
 11:30Martin Friák, Josef Gracias, Jana Pavlů, Mojmír ŠobA Quantum-mechanical Study of Antiphase Boundaries in Fe2CoAloral
 11:45Monika Všianská, Iva Rambousková, Aneta Benešová, Jana Pavlů, Mojmír ŠobAb initio Study of Phase Boundaries in MoSi2-XSi2 (X = Nb, Ta, Ti) Nanocompositesoral
 Tuesday September 13, 14:15 - 15:30, room: P2(c), chair: Lorenz Romaner
 14:15Dong Liu, Paul Forna Kreutzer, Jon Ell, Robert O. RitchieReal-time Imaging of the Damage and Failure Process of Ceramic-matrix Composites at Elevated Temperaturesinvited
 14:45Pavel Lejček, Siegfried HofmannEntropy-controlled Grain Boundary Segregationoral
 15:00Martin Zelený, Monika Všianská, Denis Ledue, Renaud Patte, Miroslav ČernýAb initio Study of Exchange Interactions at Grain Boundariesoral
 15:15Dominik Gehringer, Liam Huber, Jörg Neugebauer, David HolecSegregation at Phase Boundaries in Ti-Al Intermetallic Alloys using a Hybrid QM/MM Approachoral
 Tuesday September 13, 16:00 - 16:30, room: P2(d), chair: Pavel Hutař
 16:00Vlastimil Bílek, Kamil Souček, Filip Khestl, David Bujdoš, Stanislav SeitlFracture Parameters and Microcracks Development in High-performance Concrete in Different Condition of Curingoral
 16:15Stanislav Seitl, Vít Horník, Grzegorz Lesiuk, Ludvík KunzInfluence of Micro-structure of Selected Components made from AISI 304 on the Fracture Mechanical Propertiesoral
 Wednesday September 14, 09:45 - 10:30, room: P2(e), chair: Yoshikazu Nakai
 09:45Zuzana Molčanová, Beáta Ballóková, Karel SakslResidual Stresses of Explosively Welded Bimetals Studied by Hard XRDinvited
 10:15Pavol Mikula, Vasyl RyukhtinHigh-resolution Three-axis Neutron Diffractometer for Microstructure Investigations of Polycrystalline Materialsoral
  room: A5Poster contributions
 Monika Všianská, Petr Šesták, Miroslav ČernýAb-initio Study of Tin Segregation at Grain Boundaries in Ironposter No. 12
 Petr Řehák, Monika Všianská, Miroslav ČernýRole of Entropy Term on the Grain Boundary Segregation in bcc Feposter No. 13
 Dagmar Faktorová, Michal Kuba, Soňa Pavlíková, Peter FaboImplementation of the Impedance Spectroscopy using a Modern Microcontrollerposter No. 14

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