Tenth International Conference on


Main Conference page MSMF10
in Brno, Czech Republic
September 12 - 14, 2022
Main Conference page

Main Conference page Tenth International Conference on
Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture
MSMF10, in Brno, Czech Republic, September 12 - 14, 2022

Preliminary Program Overview

Time tableSection:Plenary123456Posters

Preliminary Program Overview

Section 5: Experimental studies on the relation between microstructure and mechanical properties
 Monday September 12, 13:30 - 15:30, room: P3(a), chair: Pavel Lejček
 13:30Sadahiro Tsurekawa, Shigeaki KobayashiA New Challenge: Towards Second-generation Grain Boundary Engineering for Materials with High Stacking-fault Energyinvited
 14:00Tomáš Kruml, Jan-Philipp Roth, Katrin Jahns, Benedikt Nowak, Ivo Šulák, Zdeněk Chlup, Alice Chlupová, Ivo Kuběna, Tomáš Záležák, Antonín DlouhýTowards High Temperature Capable ODS Alloys Prepared by Additive Manufacturingoral
 14:15Alexander Schmiedel, Anja Weidner, Horst BiermannUltrasonic Fatigue Testing of Materials at Elevated Temperaturesoral
 14:30Hiroyuki Sato, Takahiro Mineta, Souta ShibutaniObjective Evaluation of Shape of Transient Creep Curve in CrMnFeCoNi HEA at around 0.65Tm by SATO-indexoral
 14:45Michal Jambor, Miroslav Šmíd, Stanislava Fintová, Daniel KoutnýOn the Microstructure Stability of SLM-processed AISI 304L Stainless Steeloral
 15:00Szymon Duda, Paweł Stabla, Michał Smolnicki, Paweł Zielonka, Grzegorz Lesiuk, Stanislav SeitlExperimental Quasi-static Mechanical Characterization of the Thin-walled Cylindrical CFRP Structuresoral
 15:15Petr Miarka, Stanislav Seitl, Jan Klusák, Lucie Malíková, Vlastimil BílekHigh-cycle Fatigue Cracks in Concrete Investigated by µCT Tomographyoral
 Monday September 12, 16:00 - 18:00, room: P3(b), chair: Reinhard Pippan
 16:00Pavel Hutař, Pavel Pokorný, Tomáš Vojtek, Pavol Dlhý, Luboš NáhlíkOxide-induced Crack Closure and its Implications for Fatigue Crack Growth Ratesinvited
 16:30Pavel Pokorný, Tomáš Vojtek, Luboš Náhlík, Pavel HutařFatigue Crack Growth Threshold: Experimental Methodology and Influencing Factorsoral
 16:45Mattias Calmunger, Hugo Wärner, Guocai Chai, Mikael SegersällThermomechanical Fatigue of Heat Resistant Austenitic Alloysoral
 17:00Vít Horník, Adrián Bača, Miroslav Šmíd, Pavel Hutař, Karel HrbáčekHigh-cycle Fatigue Behavior of IN 738LC Superalloy at High Temperaturesoral
 17:15Claus O. W. Trost, Megan J. CordillInterpretation of Low Cycle Fatigue Failure of Complex Fibre Metal Laminatesoral
 17:30Stanislava Fintová, Ivo Kuběna, Alice Chlupová, Michal Jambor, Ivo Šulák, Zdeněk Chlup, Jaroslav PolákFatigue Damage under Ultra-high Cycle Fatigue Loadingoral
 17:45Jan Klusák, Kamila Kozáková, Michal Jambor, Stanislav SeitlFatigue Behavior of DIN 1.4307 and DIN 1.4306 Stainless Steels under High Frequency Loadingoral
 Tuesday September 13, 11:00 - 12:00, room: P3(c), chair: Wilfried Becker
 11:00Daniel KienerRecent Progress in Experimental Approaches to Examine Local Fracture Processesinvited
 11:30Mikhail Seleznev, Ruben Wagner, Christina Burkhardt, Anja Weidner, Marco Wendler, Olena Volkova, Horst BiermannMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of High-alloy Austenitic Steel Manufactured by Electron Beam Meltingoral
 11:45Jan Poduška, Lukáš Trávníček, Jaroslav Kučera, Jiří Sadílek, Pavel HutařFracture Toughness of Impact Polypropylene Grades Investigated by Improved Load Separation Methodoral
 Tuesday September 13, 14:15 - 15:30, room: P3(d), chair: Christian Motz
 14:15Péter Ispánovity, Dávid Ugi, Gábor Péterffy, Michal Knapek, Szilvia Kalácska, Zoltán Dankházi, Kristián Máthis, František Chmelík, István GromaDislocation Avalanches: Earthquakes on the Micron Scaleinvited
 14:45Lukáš Trávníček, Jan Poduška, Jaroslav Kučera, Luboš Náhlík, Pavel HutařComparison of Fatigue Performance of Polyethylene Pipe Grades in the Form of Extruded and Compression Moulded Specimensoral
 15:00Pavel Romanov, Mohammad Jahedi, Anders Petersson, Bahram Moshfegh, Mattias CalmungerQuenching of Carbon Steel Plates with Water Impinging Jets: Differential Properties and Fractographyoral
 15:15Jakub Judas, Josef Zapletal, Lukáš Řehořek, Vít JanEffects of Annealing Temperature on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cold Sprayed AA7075oral
 Tuesday September 13, 16:00 - 16:30, room: P3(e), chair: Péter Ispánovity
 16:00Orsolya Molnárová, Andrea Školáková, Stanislav Habr, Jaroslav Čapek, Zdeněk Weiss, Přemysl Málek, Pavel LejčekComplex Severe Plastic Deformation of Aluminum Single Crystaloral
 16:15Paweł Zielonka, Szymon Duda, Grzegorz Lesiuk, Magdalena Wiśniewska, Joanna Warycha, Paweł Stabla, Michał Smolnicki, Bartosz BabiarczukThe Effect of a Flame Retardant on a Mode I Fracture Toughness of Epoxy Resinoral
 Wednesday September 14, 11:00 - 12:00, room: P3(f), chair: Vladislav Kozák
 11:00Adrián Bača, Vít Horník, Michal Jambor, Karel Hrbáček, Pavel HutařEffect of Notch on High Cycle Fatigue Performance of IN 713LC Superalloy at Temperature of 800 °Coral
 11:15Tereza Juhászová, Petr Miarka, Daniel Jindra, Zdeněk Kala, Stanislav SeitlEvaluation of Fatigue Crack Growth Rate in IPE Beam made of AISI 304 under Various Stress Ratiooral
 11:30Kamila Kozáková, Jan KlusákThe Influence of Notches on the Fatigue Lifetime in the Area of the High Cycle and Gigacycle Fatigueoral
 11:45Tibor Varmus, Radomila Konečná, Gianni Nicoletto, Federico UriatiMicrostructure and Fatigue Properties of A2024-RAM2 Aluminum Alloy Obtained by Laser Powder Bed Fusionoral
  room: A5Poster contributions
 Vasile Danut Cojocaru, Alexandru Dan, Nicolae Serban, Nicoleta Zarnescu-Ivan, Elisabeta Mirela Cojocaru, Bogdan Mihai GalbinasuCold-rolling Deformation Influence on Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of a Ti-Nb-Zr-Ta-Sn-Fe Alloyposter No. 15
 Alexandru Dan, Vasile Danut Cojocaru, Ion Cinca, Mariana Lucia Angelescu, Elisabeta Mirela Cojocaru, Bogdan Mihai GalbinasuSolution Treatment Temperature Influence on Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of a Cold-rolled Ti-Nb-Zr-Ta-Sn-Fe Alloyposter No. 16
 Lucie Pilsová, Marie Ohanková, Vladimír Mára, Jan Krčil, Jakub HorváthEffect of Internal Pressure on Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of X10CrNiCuNb18-9-3 (SUPER 304H) Austenitic Stainless Steelposter No. 17
 Angelina Strakosova, Filip Průša, Alena Michalcová, Dalibor VojtěchEffect of Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured X3NiCoMoTi Maraging Steelposter No. 18
 Marie Ohanková, Josef Čmakal, Michal Junek, Marie Kvapilová, Jiří Dvořák, Václav SkleničkaRoot Cause of Embrittlement of In-service Exposed High Pressure Steam Pipelineposter No. 19
 Miroslav Polášek, Michal Krbaťa, Maroš Eckert, Pavol Mikuš, Róbert CígerContact Fatigue Resistance of Gun Barrel Steelsposter No. 20
 Róbert Cíger, Michal Krbaťa, Marta Kianicová, Maroš Eckert, Henrieta ChochlíkováEffect of Heat Treatment on Notched Toughness of Powdered Tool Steels M390 and M398poster No. 21
 Maroš Eckert, Michal Krbaťa, Marcel Kohutiar, Michal KubaHot Deformation Analysis of 100MnCrW4 Tool Steelposter No. 22

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