Time | Author(s) | Contribution | Form |
| List of Posters |
1 | G. M. Poletaev - M. S. Aksenov - Mikhail D. Starostenkov - J. V. Patzeva | Locally Initiated Elastic Waves in 2D Metals | poster  |
2 | Ji?í Buršík | Effect of Ordering on the Elastic Parameters of Multicomponent Ni-based Systems | poster  |
3 | G. M. Poletaev - J. V. Patzeva - N. M. Gurova - Mikhail D. Starostenkov | The Research of Self-Diffusion Mechanism in 2D Metals in the Conditions of the Deformation | poster  |
4 | Christian F. Robertson - Christophe J. Déprés - M.C. Fivel - Suzanne Degallaix | Local Stress Concentrations Analysis and Their Relation to Incipient Damage Initiation in Fatigued 316L Steel, using Discrete Dislocation Dynamics Modeling | poster  |
5 | Raquel Rodríguez-Martín - I. Ocaña-Arizcorreta - A. Martín-Meizoso | Modelling Cleavage Fracture in High Strength Steels and their Welds | poster  |
6 | Jana Horníková - Pavel Šandera - Jaroslav Pokluda | On the Crack Tip Shielding in Particle Reinforced Composites | poster  |
7 | Petr Haušild - Clotilde Berdin - Andreas Rossoll | Modelling of the Charpy Impact Test in the DBTT Range | poster  |
10 | Pavel Tománek - Pavel Dobis - Markéta Benešová - Lubomír Grmela | Near-Field Optical Measurement of Carrier Recombination in InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots | poster  |
11 | Bohumil David - Nad?žda Pizúrová - Old?ich Schneeweiss - P. Bezdi?ka - J. Filip - R. Alexandrescu - I. Morjan - A. Crunteanu - I. Voicu | Annealing Behaviour of Fe-C-N Nanopowder: Formation of iron/graphite Core–Shell Structured Nanoparticles | poster  |
12 | Hamid Sarraf - Ji?í Havrda - V. Hulínský - M. Maryška - R. Herbig | Factors Influencing the Microstructure and Phase content of Ultra-fine Y-TZP Ceramics | poster  |
13 | A. L. Berezina - Tatyana A. Monastyrska - Elena A. Segida - K.V. Chuistov - U. Scmidt - A. V. Kotko - V. I. Lad’yanov - A. L. Bel’tyukov - V. A. Volkov | Phenomenon of the Anomalous Supersaturation in Al-Sc, Al-Mg-Sc Alloys Quenched from the Liquid State | poster  |
14 | Tomasz Podgrabinski - Petr Slepi?ka - Vladimír Rybka - Václav Švor?ík | Electrical Properties of Polymer Composites | poster  |
15 | Vendula Havlová - Pavel Lej?ek | Migration of the 45°[100],(001)/(011) Asymmetrical Tilt Grain Boundary in an Fe–6at%Si Alloy | poster  |
16 | Olga Kubová - L. Ba?áková - Václav Švor?ík | Biocompatibility of Carbon layer on Polymer | poster  |
17 | Regina Mikulíková - K. Kolá?ová - L. Ba?áková - Václav Švor?ík | Biocompatibility of Polyethylene Doped with Oxycellulose | poster  |
18 | Vilma Buršíková - Ji?í Buršík - Vladislav Navrátil | Study of the Fracture of Coating/Substrate Systems | poster  |
19 | Z. Frgala - O. Jašek - M. Eliáš - Ji?ina Mat?jková - Antonín Rek | Study of Carbon Films on Silicon Substrates | poster  |
20 | Petr Slepi?ka - Tomasz Podgrabinski - M. Špirková - Václav Švor?ík - Vladimír Rybka | Comparison of Gold Layers Prepared by Sputtering and Vacuum Evaporation | poster  |
21 | Bartlomiej Fassa - Jerzy Kaleta - Wojciech Wisniewski | Examination of Athermal Martensitic Transformation Resulting from Cyclic Deformation of Austenitic Steel | poster  |
22 | Jaroslav Balík - Miloš Jane?ek - J. Peši?ka | Crack Growth Anomalies in Base Steel P91 and in HAZ | poster  |
23 | Anna Ryndová - Miroslav Doložílek - Jan Pilch | The Modulus of Elasticity and Damping Characteristics of the Glassfibre Reinforced Concrete | poster  |
24 | A. L. Berezina - Tatyana A. Monastyrska - O. A. Molebny | Ageing processes in the Al-Mg, Al-Mg-Sc alloys and their influence on the mechanical properties | poster  |
25 | Yu. N. Koval - G. E. Monastyrsky - Valery V. Odnosum - T. Czeppe - Anton Yu. Sezonenko - Tatyana A. Monastyrska | Influence of the Alloying on NiAl Based Alloys | poster  |