Elias C. Aifantis is an Emeritus Professor of Mechanics at Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki/GR and Michigan Technological University/
USA; formerly a Distinguished Research Professor at King Abdulaziz
University/SA, Distinguished Visiting Expert at ITMO University/RU
and Southwest Jiaotong University/China, as well as an Invited
Director at Togliatti State University/RU. He has promoted highly
interdisciplinary work in mechanics of materials by bringing into the
field of solid mechanics ideas from diffusion theory, chemical
reactions, and nonlinear physics.
He has pioneered theories on
dislocation patterning and material instabilities, gradient elasticity
and plasticity, chemomechanics and nanomechanics. His current
interest is on neuro-nano-electro-chemo-mechanics.
He has
published over 339 articles and received about 11,704 citations with
54 h-index (Scopus); 10,832 citations with 53 h-index (Web of
Science); 17,860 citations with 66 h-index (Google Scholar). He is
included in the ISI Web of knowledge list of the world’s most highly
cited authors in engineering.