Ninth International Conference on


Main Conference page MSMF9
in Brno, Czech Republic
June 26 - 28, 2019
Main Conference page

Main Conference page Ninth International Conference on
Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture
MSMF9, in Brno, Czech Republic, June 26 - 28, 2019


 Basic fee, until April 30, 2019Basic fee, from May 1, 2019
standard participant         360 €      9 350 Kč            410 €   10 650 Kč   
regular full-time student210 €   5 450 Kč   260 €   6 750 Kč   
accompanying person100 €   2 600 Kč   115 €   3 000 Kč   
 Full fee, until April 30, 2019Full fee, from May 1, 2019
standard participant         415 €   10 800 Kč            470 €   12 200 Kč   
regular full-time student265 €   6 900 Kč   320 €   8 300 Kč   
accompanying person155 €   4 050 Kč   175 €   4 550 Kč   
Basic fee includes:
for participants
organising and administrative costs and admission to all conference sessions, conference bag including relevant material, volume of abstracts and rights to publish contribution(s) in the Scopus-indexed Elsevier journal related to the conference (after a succesful peer review), welcome toast, refreshments during the conference time
for accompanying persons
organising and administrative costs, special program for accompanying persons, welcome toast
Full fee includes:
for participants
organising and administrative costs and admission to all conference sessions, conference bag including relevant material, volume of abstracts and rights to publish contribution(s) in the Scopus-indexed Elsevier journal related to the conference (after a succesful peer review), welcome toast, refreshments during the conference time, conference dinner
for accompanying persons
organising and administrative costs, special program for accompanying persons, welcome toast, conference dinner
To apply for the students fee, the study statement (confirmed by the respective educational institution) is to be handed over at the registration desk. Otherwise the difference between the students and the non-students fee would have to be paid off.
Payments performed by Czech subjects should be made in the Czech currency (Kč).
The payment should be made according to instructions which will appear at the "Registration form" from beginning of March 2019. Please note that it is not possible to refund already paid participation fees.

Page access: 3102 To the main page Last modification: December 01, 2018.