Ninth International Conference on


Main Conference page MSMF9
in Brno, Czech Republic
June 26 - 28, 2019
Main Conference page

Main Conference page Ninth International Conference on
Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture
MSMF9, in Brno, Czech Republic, June 26 - 28, 2019

Preliminary Daily Program

Time tableDay:Wed a.m.Wed p.m.Thu a.m.Thu p.m.Fri a.m.

Wednesday June 26, afternoon
 14:00 - 15:30, room: P1, Section: 1 (b)Atomistic studies on deformation and fracture, chair: Yoshitaka Umeno
 14:00Solveig Melin, Per Hansson, Aylin AhadiGrain Boundary Influence on the Mechanical Response to Tensile Loading for Nano-sized Cu Beams Modelled by MD Simulationsinvited
 14:30Roman Gröger, Václav VitekSlip Behavior of Two Interacting 1/2<111> Screw Dislocations in bcc Metals under Uniaxial Loadoral
 14:45Lukas Löfler, Lukas Hatzenbichler, Matthias Bartosik, David HolecMechanical Properties and Dislocations in CrN/TiN Superlattices from ab initio Calculationsoral
 15:00Katsutoshi Hyodo, Shinji Munetoh, Toshihiro Tsuchiyama, Setsuo TakakiEvaluation of Pinning Force on Edge Dislocation due to C and N Atoms in Iron by Molecular Dynamics Simulationoral
 15:15Atsushi Kubo, Yoshitaka UmenoFirst-principles Analysis of Deformation and Fracture Properties of Semiconductorsoral
 14:00 - 15:30, room: P2, Section: 3 (b)Mathematical modeling microstructure, deformation and fracture, chair: Siegfried Schmauder
 14:00Michal Kotoul, Petr Skalka, Tomáš Profant, Petr Řehák, Petr Šesták, Miroslav Černý, Jaroslav Pokluda, Martin FriákAb-initio Aided Strain Gradient Elasticity Theory - an Efficient Tool in the Fracture Nanomechanics?invited
 14:30Ivan Volkov, Leonid Igumnov, Ivan Modin, Evgeniy BoevA Damaged Medium Model for Describing a Creep Damage Accumulation Processoral
 14:45Atri Nath, Sudhirkumar V. Barai, Kalyan Kumar RayA Generalized Model towards Predicting Monotonic and Cyclic Deformation Behavior of Cyclically Stable Materialsoral
 15:00Ahmed Azeez, Robert Eriksson, Mattias Calmunger, Stefan Lindström, Kjell SimonssonLow Cycle Fatigue Modelling of a Steam Turbine Rotor Steeloral
 15:15Keng Jiang, Alexander Bezold, Christoph BroeckmannNumerical Modeling of the Progressive Damage in the Microstructure of WC-Co Hardmetals under Fatigue Loadingoral
 14:00 - 15:30, room: P3, Section: 7 (a)Experimental studies on the relation between microstructure and mechanical properties, chair: Kristián Máthis
 14:00Johan Hoefnagels, C. Du, M. G. D. Geers, F. Maresca, T. VermeijUnravelling Micro-plasticity Mechanisms in Martensite, Ferrite, and Dual-phase Steelinvited
 14:30Jaroslav Polák, Roman PetrášCyclic Plastic Response and Damage in Superaustenitic Steel in High Temperature Cycling with Dwells and in Thermomechanical Cyclingoral
 14:45Takuro Masumura, Yuki Seto, Toshihiro Tsuchiyama, Setsuo Takaki, Ken KimuraDislocation Strengthening Mechanism in High Nitrogen Austenitic Steeloral
 15:00Sascha Gerbe, Jochen Tenkamp, Steffen Scherbring, Kevin Bleicher, Ulrich Krupp, Wilhelm Michels, Frank WaltherMicrostructural Influences on the Fatigue Crack Initiation and Propagation Mechanisms in Hypo-eutectic Al-Si Cast Alloysoral
 15:15Joakim Nordström, Raveendra Siriki, Mattias Calmunger, Johan Moverare, Guocai ChaiTWIP and Fracture Behavior in a Nickel Base Alloy: At Room Temperature and Beloworal
 14:00 - 15:30, room: Q, Section: 8 (b)ESIS TC2 Micromechanisms of fracture and fatigue, chair: Andrey Jivkov
 14:00Ivo Dlouhý, Peter Tatarko, Luca Bertolla, Zdeněk ChlupNano-objects (Nanotubes, Nanosheets): Do They Toughen Brittle Matrices?invited
 14:30Bo-Shiuan Li, Ivo Šulák, David Armstrong, James MarrowDamage Mechanisms in Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite, Studied by High Temperature Nano-indentationoral
 14:45Tomáš Vojtek, Pavel Pokorný, Luboš Náhlík, Diego Herrero, Pavel HutařCrack Closure in the Near-threshold Region in Metallic Materialsoral
 15:00Julian Buchinger, Nikola Koutná, Zhuo Chen, Zaoli Zhang, Paul Mayrhofer, David Holec, Matthias BartosikToughness Enhanced Transition Metal Nitride Thin Filmsoral
 15:15Marat Tyutin, Lyudmila Botvina, Victor Levin, Ivan SinevInterrelation between Mechanical, Physical and Damage Parameters at Fracture of Steelsoral
 16:00 - 17:30, room: P1, Section: 1 (c)Atomistic studies on deformation and fracture, chair: David Holec
 16:00Yoshitaka Umeno, Atsushi Kubo, Jan-Michael AlbinaCoarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Deformation and Fracture in Polycarbonate: Effect of Loading Mode, Strain Rate, Temperature and Molar Massoral
 16:15Martin Zelený, Lucie Bodnárová, Petr Sedlák, Hanuš Seiner, Ladislav Straka, Oleg Heczko, Alexei Sozinov, Michal LandaEffect of Doping on Elastic Properties of Alloys Exhibiting Nanotwinning: Theory and Experimentoral
 16:30Ying Chen, Arkapol SaengdeejingFirst-principles Analysis of Structure and Stability in RFe12-based Compoundsoral
 16:45Martin Friák, Pavel Kroupa, David Holec, Mojmír ŠobA First-principles Study of Pressure-induced Iso-structural Transition in YN and ScN Characterized by a Reversal in their Elastic Anisotropyoral
 17:00Sojiro Uemura, Takuya Yoshida, Monika Všianská, Martin Friák, Mojmír Šob, Kyosuke Yoshimi, Sadahiro TsurekawaAb-initio Study of Alloying Effect of Titanium and Carbon on Young’s Modulus of Mo5SiB2 (T2) Phaseoral
 16:00 - 17:30, room: P2, Section: 3 (c)Mathematical modeling microstructure, deformation and fracture, chair: Václav Paidar
 16:00Oldřich Ševeček, Roman Papšík, Zdeněk Majer, Michal KotoulInfluence of the Cell Geometry on the Tensile Strength of Open-cell Ceramic Foamsoral
 16:15Filip Šiška, Luděk Stratil, Andrej OstapovecNumerical Analysis of Interactions between Twins and Precipitates in hcp Alloysoral
 16:30Francesco Sausto, Luca Patriarca, Stefano Foletti, Erica VacchieriStrain Localizations in Notches for a Coarse-grained Ni-based Superalloy: Simulations and Experimentsoral
 16:45Viacheslav MokryakovMaximal Stresses of the Longitudinal Pochhammer-Chree Wavesoral
 17:00Miroslav KurešA Characterization of Sliding Vectors by Dual Numbers, Some Dual Curves and the Screw Calculusoral
 17:15Hector A Tinoco, Carlos Ivan Cardona, Tomáš Vojtek, Pavel HutařFinite Element Analysis of Crack-tip Opening Displacement and Plastic Zones Considering the Cyclic Material Behaviororal
 16:00 - 17:30, room: P3, Section: 7 (b)Experimental studies on the relation between microstructure and mechanical properties, chair: Kalyan Ray
 16:00Mattias Calmunger, Robert Eriksson, Thomas Lindström, Daniel LeidermarkEffect of Additive Manufacturing on Fatigue Crack Propagation of a Gas Turbine Superalloyoral
 16:15Kristián Máthis, Daria Drozdenko, Jan ČapekInfluence of the Solute Concentration on Twinning-detwinning Process in Mg-Al alloysoral
 16:30Stanislav Seitl, Petr Miarka, Jan Klusák, Grzegorz Lesiuk, Sergio Blason, Alfonso CanteliEvaluation of S355 Fatigue Properties Based on Castillo-Canteli et al. Modeloral
 16:45Ayan Ray, Ushasi Roy, Mamta Kumari, Kalyan Kumar RayThe Role of Substructural Features on the Deformation and Fracture Behavior of bcc and fcc High Entropy Alloysoral
 17:00Ahmed Azeez, Robert Eriksson, Mattias CalmungerCharacterisation of Deformation and Damage in a Steam Turbine Steel Subjected to Low Cycle Fatigueoral
 17:15Hugo Wärner, Robert Eriksson, Guocai Chai, Johan Moverare, Sten Johansson, Mattias CalmungerInfluence of Ageing on Out-of-phase Thermomechanical Fatigue of Austenitic Stainless Steelsoral
 16:00 - 17:30, room: Q, Section: 8 (c)ESIS TC2 Micromechanisms of fracture and fatigue, chair: Jaroslav Polák
 16:00Otmar Kolednik, Roland Kasberger, Masoud SistaniniaDesign of Composites with Improved Fracture Toughnessoral
 16:15Abhishek Tiwari, Johannes Wiener, Florian Arbeiter, Gerald Pinter, Otmar KolednikToughness Improvement of Brittle Polymer by Insertion of Soft Interlayersoral
 16:30Sergiy Kotrechko, Andrei Timoshevskii, Eugene Kolyvoshko, Yuriy Matviychuk, Nataliya StetsenkoNanodevice Lifetime Prediction – the Challenge for Nano-and Micromechanicsoral
 16:45Jiaming Wang, Andrey Jivkov, Q. M. Li, Dirk L EngelbergParametric Study of Cohesive ITZ in Meso-scale Concrete Modeloral
 17:00Petr Brož, Michal NovákAssembling Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue Strengthoral
 17:15Jan Poduška, Pavol Dlhý, Pavel Hutař, Andreas Frank, Jaroslav Kučera, Jiří Sadílek, Luboš NáhlíkDesign of Plastic Pipes Considering Content of Recycled Materialoral

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Time tableDay:Wed a.m.Wed p.m.Thu a.m.Thu p.m.Fri a.m.

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