Tenth International Conference on


Main Conference page MSMF10
in Brno, Czech Republic
September 12 - 14, 2022
Main Conference page

Main Conference page Tenth International Conference on
Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture
MSMF10, in Brno, Czech Republic, September 12 - 14, 2022

Organised by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, under the auspices of the European Structural Integrity Society, recommended by the Federation of European Materials Societies.
Co-organised by the Czech Society for New Materials and Technologies and the Czech Chapter of European Structural Integrity Society.


Please see the separate page.


The Meeting of the ESIS Technical Committee on Micromechanisms (TC2) will be held as a part of the MSMF10 conference.


Please see the separate page for a scinetific program and a social program.


Abstract Booklet containing camera-ready extended abstracts of all accepted contributions will be available at the beginning of the conference.


A special issue of the open access scientific journal Procedia Structural Integrity (PSI) devoted to the MSMF-10 will appear in the end of the year 2022. PSI is a periodical of Elsevier and is available in a full text online at the ScienceDirect. Journal is indexed by all the renowned scientific databases.

Papers for this issue will undergo a peer-review procedure.


Please read the separate page.


Please see the separate page.



MSMF-10 will take place at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Technická 2, Brno-Žabovøesky, Czech Republic. Brno lies in the central part of Europe, in the Czech Republic; it is the second largest city in the coutry (nearly 400 000 inhabitants). It is the centre of the province of Moravia, one of the historic lands of the Czech Crown. Brno is situated in a picturesque countryside (190 - 425 m above sea level), surrounded on three sides by wooded hills and opening to the Southern Moravian lowlands. Geographically, Brno is part of the Danube Basin and has many historical ties to the Austrian capital Vienna, which lies a mere 110 km to the south. Brno enjoys a very pleasant, moderate climate, ideal for recreation and everyday living.


Brno occupies a strategic location in the contemporary European transportation network.
Road Network
The city is located at the crossroads of freeways D1 and D2 that form a part of the trans-european highways west to east (France - Ukraine: E 50), and north - south (Scandinavia - the Balkans: E 65).
The rail route from the Balkans to western Europe and Scandinavia passes through Brno (Budapest - Prague - Berlin). Brno is also a stop on the Euro-City Express route (Prague - Vienna). Time tables are available on jizdnirady.idnes.cz/en/vlakyautobusy/spojeni
Bus connections
Brno is connected with the majority of big towns in Europe. Many of the bus-lines go through Prague from where, between 5:00 am and 9:00 pm, the bus service is practically continuous. All connections can be found on jizdnirady.idnes.cz/en/vlakyautobusy/spojeni
Air connections
Current flights connect Brno with London only. The airport (IATA Code: BRQ) is only of 7.5 km distance from downtown. All information are available on the web page www.brno-airport.cz/en/flight-information/flight-search The international airports in Prague and in Vienna serviced by international airlines are only about 2 hours car or bus ride away. All bus connections from Prague or Vienna are on jizdnirady.idnes.cz/en/vlakyautobusy/spojeni


For a limited number of participants, the organizing committee can reserve an accommodation in the Hotel Continental, where both single and double rooms of higher quality will be available with substantial price discount for conference participants. Details will be displayed and participants will be asked to mark the relevant days and the room type on the registration form (soon!).

Many other hotels of a wide quality range are also available in Brno.

A standard lunch (equivalent of about 4€) will be provided at the conference site.


The topical information can be found on the internet address msmf.fme.vutbr.cz. This web site will be updated regularly with more detailed information about all aspects of the conference.

Page access: 3036 To the main page Last modification: September 11, 2022.