Third International Conference on


Main Conference page MSMF-3QQQ Main Conference page
in Brno, Czech Republic
June 27 - 29, 2001

Institutes of Physical and Materials Engineering,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Brno University of Technology
COST - European Co-operation
in the Field
of Scientific and Technical Research
ASM International - Czech Chapter,

Czech Society for New Materials and Technologies

List of Authors

alphabeticaly ordered

Arola R.Image Analysis of Inclusions in Cast Carbon Steel (oral)VIII
Babor P.Application of TOF - LEIS and XPS for Surface Studies (poster)V
Barchan A.The Influence of Loading Method of Orthotropic Composite on Fatigue Strength (poster)VII
Bartik L.Structural Aspect of Fracture in Nitrided Layers (oral)V
Benesova M.A Simplified Local Surface Photoreflectance Measurement (poster)V
Besson J.Modeling of Slant or Cup-cone Fracture of Metals (key-note)IV
Besterci M.Micrstructural Characteristics of Dispersion Strengthened Cu-based System (oral)II
Boeraeve P.Effect of Alumina and Titanium Nitrides Inclusions on Mechanical Properties in High Alloyed Steels (oral)VIII
Boeraeve P.Quantitative Description of MC, M2C, M6C and M7C3 Carbides in High Speed Steel Rolls (oral)VIII
Boljanovic S.Anomalous Fatigue Crack Growth Behaviour in AA 2024 and AA 5083 (key-note)VII
Bosansky J.Micromechanism of Cleavage Fracture in Ferritic Steels (oral)III
Breskvar B.Study of Inclusions in Technical Aluminium (oral)VIII
Brocks W.Modeling of Slant or Cup-cone Fracture of Metals (key-note)IV
Broz P.Fatigue of Steel Structures (poster)IV
Brozova A.Effect of Multiple Heat Simulation on a CGHAZ Fracture of Low Carbon Low Alloyed Steels (oral)VIII
Brozova A.Effect of Displacement Rate on Fracture Toughness of Austenite in Ductile Fracture and Stress Corrosion Cracking at Temperature of 250  oC (oral)VII
Brustlova J.Near-Field Photoluminiscence as High Resolution Diagnostics of Semiconductor Structures (poster)VI
Brezina J.Microstructure and Anisotropy of Creep in Ti-46Al-2W-0.5Si Casting (oral)III
Buirette C.Dislocation Structure in the HAZ of HSS Steel after Shot Peening (oral)III
Bumbalek B.Thermo-mechanical Model of Shear Instability during Cutting (poster)VI
Bumbalek L.Thermo-mechanical Model of Shear Instability during Cutting (poster)VI
Bursa J.Experimental-computational Modelling of Damage of Steel Reinforced Rubber Composite (oral)IV
Cejp J.Dislocation Emission from the Crack Tip in bcc Iron (poster)I
Cescotto S.Quantitative Description of MC, M2C, M6C and M7C3 Carbides in High Speed Steel Rolls (oral)VIII
Colnet L. deImage Analysis of Inclusions in Cast Carbon Steel (oral)VIII
Colnet L. deEffect of Alumina and Titanium Nitrides Inclusions on Mechanical Properties in High Alloyed Steels (oral)VIII
Colnet L. deQuantitative Description of MC, M2C, M6C and M7C3 Carbides in High Speed Steel Rolls (oral)VIII
Cadek J.Effect of Notches on High Temperature Creep Behaviour of CMSX-4 Superalloy Single Crystals (poster)IV
Cechal J.Application of TOF - LEIS and XPS for Surface Studies (poster)V
Cermak J.Chemical Composition of (310) [100] Symmetrical Tilt Grain Boundary in Ni3Al (poster)I
Cermak J.Degradation of Protective Effect of Surface Layer on Ni3Al-Cr in Hydrogen Environment (poster)V
Cerny M.Ab initio Modelling Deformation of Perfect Cubic Crystals under Triaxial Tension (oral)I
Cerny M.Ab initio Simulation of Three-Axial Deformation of Perfect Iron Crystal (poster)I
Degallaix G.Dislocation Structure in the HAZ of HSS Steel after Shot Peening (oral)III
Dlouhy A.Microstructure and Anisotropy of Creep in Ti-46Al-2W-0.5Si Casting (oral)III
Dlouhy I.Micromechanical Aspects of Transgranular and Intergranular Failure Competition (oral)VIII
Dobersek M.Study of Inclusions in Technical Aluminium (oral)VIII
Dobis P.A Simplified Local Surface Photoreflectance Measurement (poster)V
Dobis P.Near-Field Photoluminiscence as High Resolution Diagnostics of Semiconductor Structures (poster)VI
Dobrovska J.Microheterogeneity in the Ultra-High Strength Low Alloy Steel after Three Regimes of Heat-Treatment (oral)VIII
Dobrovska V.Microheterogeneity in the Ultra-High Strength Low Alloy Steel after Three Regimes of Heat-Treatment (oral)VIII
Doig A.Dynamic Compression Testing of Metallic Materials - European Progress Towards a Test Standard (oral)VI
Dvorak I.Structural Aspect of Fracture in Nitrided Layers (oral)V
Dzioba I.The Influence of Loading Method of Orthotropic Composite on Fatigue Strength (poster)VII
Ernestova M.Effect of Displacement Rate on Fracture Toughness of Austenite in Ductile Fracture and Stress Corrosion Cracking at Temperature of 250  oC (oral)VII
Fissolo A.Mesoscopic Scale Thermal Fatigue Damage (oral)III
Fivel M.Mesoscopic Scale Thermal Fatigue Damage (oral)III
Friak M.Ab initio Simulation of Three-Axial Deformation of Perfect Iron Crystal (poster)I
Friak M.Structure and Magnetism of Iron and Iron Overlayers from the First Principles (oral)I
Gerberich W. W.Ultra Long Life Fatigue-Implication on the Conventional Threshold (oral)VI
Gfhiri R.Effect of Alumina and Titanium Nitrides Inclusions on Mechanical Properties in High Alloyed Steels (oral)VIII
Gfhiri R.Quantitative Description of MC, M2C, M6C and M7C3 Carbides in High Speed Steel Rolls (oral)VIII
Gnaupel-Herold T.Neutron Scattering in Studies of Complex Anisotropic Microstructures (key-note)VI
Godec M.Texture Development of FeSi Alloy Induced by Sb, Sn and Se Surface Segregation (poster)VIII
Gontareva R. G.Optical Topography Analysis of Single Crystals for Indirect Estimation of Deformation Damage of Aircraft Alloys under Fatigue Test (oral)II
Gordienko Yu. G.Multiscale Correlation Effects during Fatigue Damage Evolution Observed by Surface Roughness Analysis (oral)II
Gordienko Yu. G.Optical Topography Analysis of Single Crystals for Indirect Estimation of Deformation Damage of Aircraft Alloys under Fatigue Test (oral)II
Grmela L.A Simplified Local Surface Photoreflectance Measurement (poster)V
Gutkin M. Yu.Nucleation of Disclination Defects and Development of Misorientation Bands at Grain Boundary Junctions (oral)V
Hadji M.Deformation and Aging Behaviors of Fe-Mn-Al-Cr-C Duplex Alloy (poster)VII
Hanak J.Structural Aspect of Fracture in Nitrided Layers (oral)V
Heger J.FE Modelling of Particulate Composites with Brittle Matrix under Cyclic Compression Loading (poster)IV
Hornak P.Structure and Fractography Analysis of Nickel Base Superalloy Subjected to Low Cycle Fatigue (oral)VII
Hornikova J.Effective Stress Intensity Factor for Crack of Intergranular Morphology (oral)VIII
Hornikova J.Pyramidal Model of Intergranular Crack Front (poster)VIII
Hu D.A Review of Factors Influencing the Ductility and Failure in Some Ti and in TiAl Alloys (key-note)VIII
Huang H.Atomistic Simulation of Dislocation Dynamics (key-note)plenary
Hutar P.Two-Parameter Approach for Short Cracks at Notches (oral)IV
Ilavsky J.Characterization of Anisotropic, Thermally Sprayed Microstructures using Small-angle Neutron Scattering (oral)V
Ilavsky J.Neutron Scattering in Studies of Complex Anisotropic Microstructures (key-note)VI
Janicek P.Experimental-computational Modelling of Damage of Steel Reinforced Rubber Composite (oral)IV
Janovec J.Posphorus Grain Boundary Segregation in Polycrystalline Alloy Steels (oral)VIII
Jenko M.Microheterogeneity in the Ultra-High Strength Low Alloy Steel after Three Regimes of Heat-Treatment (oral)VIII
Jenko M.Texture Development of FeSi Alloy Induced by Sb, Sn and Se Surface Segregation (poster)VIII
Jurkovic P.Application of TOF - LEIS and XPS for Surface Studies (poster)V
Kalousek R.A Study of Metallic Surfaces by UHV STM (oral)VI
Kanicky V.Contribution to Corrosion Fatigue Crack Initiation Modeling (poster)II
Karuskevich M. V.Optical Topography Analysis of Single Crystals for Indirect Estimation of Deformation Damage of Aircraft Alloys under Fatigue Test (oral)II
Katz Y.Ultra Long Life Fatigue-Implication on the Conventional Threshold (oral)VI
Keller T.Characterization of Anisotropic, Thermally Sprayed Microstructures using Small-angle Neutron Scattering (oral)V
Klakurkova L.Failure of Al3Ni+Al Composites at Room and High Temperatures (oral)VII
Klemm V.TEM - Investigations of Cell Block Structure and Disclination Configurations in Plastically Deformed Metals (poster)VII
Klimanek P.TEM - Investigations of Cell Block Structure and Disclination Configurations in Plastically Deformed Metals (poster)VII
Klimanek P.Modelling of Metals Plasticity on the Base of Dislocation and Disclination Dynamics (oral)III
Klimanek P.Microstructure Evolution in Plastic Deformation of Fe-Si Single Crystals by Compression at Room Temperature (poster)III
Klimanek P.Microstructure Evolution in Plastic Deformation of Zirconium by Compression (poster)III
Klimanek P.Nucleation of Disclination Defects and Development of Misorientation Bands at Grain Boundary Junctions (oral)V
Knesl Z.Estimation of the Critical Stress for Failure of Protective Layers (oral)V
Knesl Z.Two-Parameter Approach for Short Cracks at Notches (oral)IV
Kohout J.Kinetics of the Changes of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Structural Materials as a Result of the Changes of their Structure (oral)VII
Konecna R.Fracture Profiles of Modificated Graphite Cast Irons and Silumins (oral)II
Korcak A.Heat Treatment of a 13Cr-6Ni-2.5Mo-Ti Supermartensitic Steel (poster)VII
Kostalova D.Near-Field Photoluminiscence as High Resolution Diagnostics of Semiconductor Structures (poster)VI
Kotoul M.FE Modelling of Particulate Composites with Brittle Matrix under Cyclic Compression Loading (poster)IV
Kotoul M.A Micromechanical Modelling of Cyclic Creep in Brittle Matrix Composites under Compressive Loading (oral)IV
Kotoul M.Modelling of Partial Debonding of Ductile Particles from Brittle Matrix in Crack Bridging Zone (poster)IV
Koula V.Contribution to Corrosion Fatigue Crack Initiation Modeling (poster)II
Kranenburg K. vanAnomalous Fatigue Crack Growth Behaviour in AA 2024 and AA 5083 (key-note)VII
Krasowsky A. J.Damage Description Using Power Type Relationship (oral)III
Krejci J.Failure of Al3Ni+Al Composites at Room and High Temperatures (oral)VII
Kroc J.Application of Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Modelling of Indentation (oral)I
Kroupa F.The Role of Microcracks in Thermally Sprayed Materials (key-note)V
Kruml T.Dislocation Structure in the HAZ of HSS Steel after Shot Peening (oral)III
Kucharova K.Microstructure and Anisotropy of Creep in Ti-46Al-2W-0.5Si Casting (oral)III
Kunz L.Fatigue Crack Intiation in FCC Single Crystals (oral)III
Lauschmann H.Textural Fractography: Application of Gibbs Random Fields (oral)II
Lecomte-Beckers J.Effect of Alumina and Titanium Nitrides Inclusions on Mechanical Properties in High Alloyed Steels (oral)VIII
Lecomte-Beckers J.Quantitative Description of MC, M2C, M6C and M7C3 Carbides in High Speed Steel Rolls (oral)VIII
Lejcek P.Posphorus Grain Boundary Segregation in Polycrystalline Alloy Steels (oral)VIII
Lejcek P.Effect of Ordering on Grain Boundary Segregation (oral)VIII
Lopour F.AFM - a Tool for a Study of Surfaces and Micro/Nanostructures (oral)VI
Loretto M. H.A Review of Factors Influencing the Ductility and Failure in Some Ti and in TiAl Alloys (key-note)VIII
Lukas P.Fatigue Crack Intiation in FCC Single Crystals (oral)III
Lukas P.Effect of Notches on High Temperature Creep Behaviour of CMSX-4 Superalloy Single Crystals (poster)IV
Machova A.Influence of Temperature on Residual Stress and Damage in bcc Iron Containing Cu Nanoparticles (oral)I
Machova A.Dislocation Emission from the Crack Tip in bcc Iron (poster)I
Man J.Quantitative Assessment of the Surface Relief in Fatigue Using AFM (oral)V
Mandrino D.Microheterogeneity in the Ultra-High Strength Low Alloy Steel after Three Regimes of Heat-Treatment (oral)VIII
Mandrino D.Texture Development of FeSi Alloy Induced by Sb, Sn and Se Surface Segregation (poster)VIII
Mandrino D.Study of Inclusions in Technical Aluminium (oral)VIII
Mandziej S. T.Microstructure and Fracture Behaviour of Cr-Mo-V Power Generation Steels (oral)VIII
Margadant N.Characterization of Anisotropic, Thermally Sprayed Microstructures using Small-angle Neutron Scattering (oral)V
Matejicek J.Neutron Scattering in Studies of Complex Anisotropic Microstructures (key-note)VI
Materna A.Three-dimensional FEM Model of the Fatigue Crack Growth in a Thick CT Specimen (oral)IV
Matocha K.Fatigue Crack Growth Behaviour in Air and Seawater of GS13MnNi6.4 Weld Joint for Fixed Offshore Structures (oral)VI
Michlik P.Three-dimensional FEM Model of the Fatigue Crack Growth in a Thick CT Specimen (oral)IV
Mollikova E.Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene Filled with Magnesium Hydroxide (oral)VII
Morgan N.Dynamic Compression Testing of Metallic Materials - European Progress Towards a Test Standard (oral)VI
Motylenko M.TEM - Investigations of Cell Block Structure and Disclination Configurations in Plastically Deformed Metals (poster)VII
Motylenko M.Microstructure Evolution in Plastic Deformation of Fe-Si Single Crystals by Compression at Room Temperature (poster)III
Murakami Y.Ultra Long Life Fatigue-Implication on the Conventional Threshold (oral)VI
Murakami Y.Interactions among Microstructures, Inhomogeneities and Cracks in Metal Fatigue (key-note)plenary
Nahlik L.Estimation of the Critical Stress for Failure of Protective Layers (oral)V
Nemec O.Micromechanical Aspects of Transgranular and Intergranular Failure Competition (oral)VIII
Novy Z.Analysis of Thermomechanical Processing on Creep Deformation Behaviour of NiMoCr Superalloy (poster)VII
Obrtlik K.Quantitative Assessment of the Surface Relief in Fatigue Using AFM (oral)V
Oliva V.Three-dimensional FEM Model of the Fatigue Crack Growth in a Thick CT Specimen (oral)IV
Pacholkova S.Structure and Properties of Ferrite - Bainite Steels (poster)VII
Paidar V.Properties of Interfaces Plastic Deformation in TiAl (key-note)V
Pantleon W.Modelling of Metals Plasticity on the Base of Dislocation and Disclination Dynamics (oral)III
Pelikan V.Application of Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Modelling of Indentation (oral)I
Peslova F.Experimental-computational Modelling of Damage of Steel Reinforced Rubber Composite (oral)IV
Pirard E.Effect of Alumina and Titanium Nitrides Inclusions on Mechanical Properties in High Alloyed Steels (oral)VIII
Pirard E.Quantitative Description of MC, M2C, M6C and M7C3 Carbides in High Speed Steel Rolls (oral)VIII
Pisacka J.Characterization of Anisotropic, Thermally Sprayed Microstructures using Small-angle Neutron Scattering (oral)V
Pokluda J.Ab initio Modelling Deformation of Perfect Cubic Crystals under Triaxial Tension (oral)I
Pokluda J.Ab initio Simulation of Three-Axial Deformation of Perfect Iron Crystal (poster)I
Pokluda J.Microheterogeneity in the Ultra-High Strength Low Alloy Steel after Three Regimes of Heat-Treatment (oral)VIII
Pokluda J.Multiscale Correlation Effects during Fatigue Damage Evolution Observed by Surface Roughness Analysis (oral)II
Pokluda J.Effective Stress Intensity Factor for Crack of Intergranular Morphology (oral)VIII
Pokluda J.Pyramidal Model of Intergranular Crack Front (poster)VIII
Polak J.Dislocation Structure in the HAZ of HSS Steel after Shot Peening (oral)III
Polak J.Quantitative Assessment of the Surface Relief in Fatigue Using AFM (oral)V
Ponizil P.Simulated Intergranular Fracture Characteristics (oral)II
Potzsch A.Microstructure Evolution in Plastic Deformation of Zirconium by Compression (poster)III
Preclik P.Effect of Notches on High Temperature Creep Behaviour of CMSX-4 Superalloy Single Crystals (poster)IV
Prusa S.Application of TOF - LEIS and XPS for Surface Studies (poster)V
Racek O.Textural Fractography: Application of Gibbs Random Fields (oral)II
Riemslag T.Anomalous Fatigue Crack Growth Behaviour in AA 2024 and AA 5083 (key-note)VII
Robertson C.Mesoscopic Scale Thermal Fatigue Damage (oral)III
Robinson J. S.Microstructure and Fracture Behaviour of Cr-Mo-V Power Generation Steels (oral)VIII
Robinson J. S.Quench Cracking of the Aluminium Alloy 7010 (oral)VIII
Romanov A. E.Nucleation of Disclination Defects and Development of Misorientation Bands at Grain Boundary Junctions (oral)V
Rosecky Z.Dislocation Emission from the Crack Tip in bcc Iron (poster)I
Rothova V.Degradation of Protective Effect of Surface Layer on Ni3Al-Cr in Hydrogen Environment (poster)V
Ruusuvuori K.Image Analysis of Inclusions in Cast Carbon Steel (oral)VIII
Saxl I.Simulated Intergranular Fracture Characteristics (oral)II
Saxl I.Micrstructural Characteristics of Dispersion Strengthened Cu-based System (oral)II
Seefeldt M.Modelling of Metals Plasticity on the Base of Dislocation and Disclination Dynamics (oral)III
Seitl S.Two-Parameter Approach for Short Cracks at Notches (oral)IV
Semenak J.Structure and Fractography Analysis of Nickel Base Superalloy Subjected to Low Cycle Fatigue (oral)VII
Shaniavski A. A.Fractographic, OG'e Spectroscopic and Acoustic Emission Analyses of Rotation Plastic Deformation Processes Taking Place in Al-based Alloys around of a Crack Tip during Fatigue Cracks Growth (key-note)VI
Shi S. Q.Atomistic Simulation of Dislocation Dynamics (key-note)plenary
Schindler I.Structure and Properties of Ferrite - Bainite Steels (poster)VII
Schmid M.A Study of Metallic Surfaces by UHV STM (oral)VI
Schneeweiss O.Effect of Ordering on Grain Boundary Segregation (oral)VIII
Siegman S.Characterization of Anisotropic, Thermally Sprayed Microstructures using Small-angle Neutron Scattering (oral)V
Skocovsky P.Fracture Profiles of Modificated Graphite Cast Irons and Silumins (oral)II
Spousta J.Application of TOF - LEIS and XPS for Surface Studies (poster)V
Steglich D.Modeling of Slant or Cup-cone Fracture of Metals (key-note)IV
Stransky K.Microheterogeneity in the Ultra-High Strength Low Alloy Steel after Three Regimes of Heat-Treatment (oral)VIII
Svoboda M.Microstructure and Anisotropy of Creep in Ti-46Al-2W-0.5Si Casting (oral)III
Sandera P.Ab initio Modelling Deformation of Perfect Cubic Crystals under Triaxial Tension (oral)I
Sandera P.Ab initio Simulation of Three-Axial Deformation of Perfect Iron Crystal (poster)I
Sandera P.Effective Stress Intensity Factor for Crack of Intergranular Morphology (oral)VIII
Sandera P.Pyramidal Model of Intergranular Crack Front (poster)VIII
Sevc P.Posphorus Grain Boundary Segregation in Polycrystalline Alloy Steels (oral)VIII
Sikola T.AFM - a Tool for a Study of Surfaces and Micro/Nanostructures (oral)VI
Sikola T.Application of TOF - LEIS and XPS for Surface Studies (poster)V
Skoda D.AFM - a Tool for a Study of Surfaces and Micro/Nanostructures (oral)VI
Smida T.Micromechanism of Cleavage Fracture in Ferritic Steels (oral)III
Sob M.Ab initio Simulation of Three-Axial Deformation of Perfect Iron Crystal (poster)I
Sob M.Structure and Magnetism of Iron and Iron Overlayers from the First Principles (oral)I
Sustai O.Structure and Properties of Ferrite - Bainite Steels (poster)VII
Svejcar J.Failure of Al3Ni+Al Composites at Room and High Temperatures (oral)VII
Tandler M.Study of Inclusions in Technical Aluminium (oral)VIII
Taylor H.Dynamic Compression Testing of Metallic Materials - European Progress Towards a Test Standard (oral)VI
Tchoufang Tchuindjang J.Effect of Alumina and Titanium Nitrides Inclusions on Mechanical Properties in High Alloyed Steels (oral)VIII
Tchoufang Tchuindjang J.Quantitative Description of MC, M2C, M6C and M7C3 Carbides in High Speed Steel Rolls (oral)VIII
Tomanek P.A Simplified Local Surface Photoreflectance Measurement (poster)V
Tomanek P.Near-Field Photoluminiscence as High Resolution Diagnostics of Semiconductor Structures (poster)VI
Torkar M.Study of Inclusions in Technical Aluminium (oral)VIII
Toth L.Damage Description Using Power Type Relationship (oral)III
Tvrdy M.Fatigue Crack Growth Behaviour in Air and Seawater of GS13MnNi6.4 Weld Joint for Fixed Offshore Structures (oral)VI
Tvrdy M.Heat Treatment of a 13Cr-6Ni-2.5Mo-Ti Supermartensitic Steel (poster)VII
Urbis R.Modelling of Partial Debonding of Ductile Particles from Brittle Matrix in Crack Bridging Zone (poster)IV
Valek R.Microstructure and Anisotropy of Creep in Ti-46Al-2W-0.5Si Casting (oral)III
Varner M.Contribution to Corrosion Fatigue Crack Initiation Modeling (poster)II
Veer F.Anomalous Fatigue Crack Growth Behaviour in AA 2024 and AA 5083 (key-note)VII
Velgosova O.Micrstructural Characteristics of Dispersion Strengthened Cu-based System (oral)II
Vitek V.Structure and Magnetism of Iron and Iron Overlayers from the First Principles (oral)I
Vitek V.Atomic Level Modeling of Extended Defects in Crystalline Materials and Recent Developments of Atomic Interactions (key-note)I
Voborny S.Application of TOF - LEIS and XPS for Surface Studies (poster)V
Vodarek V.Heat Treatment of a 13Cr-6Ni-2.5Mo-Ti Supermartensitic Steel (poster)VII
Vrchovinsky V.Analysis of Thermomechanical Processing on Creep Deformation Behaviour of NiMoCr Superalloy (poster)VII
Vrchovinsky V.Structure and Fractography Analysis of Nickel Base Superalloy Subjected to Low Cycle Fatigue (oral)VII
Vyrostkova A.Posphorus Grain Boundary Segregation in Polycrystalline Alloy Steels (oral)VIII
Vyrostkova A.Microstructure and Fracture Behaviour of Cr-Mo-V Power Generation Steels (oral)VIII
Vyslouzil T.FE Modelling of Particulate Composites with Brittle Matrix under Cyclic Compression Loading (poster)IV
Wagner W.Characterization of Anisotropic, Thermally Sprayed Microstructures using Small-angle Neutron Scattering (oral)V
Wangyao P.Analysis of Thermomechanical Processing on Creep Deformation Behaviour of NiMoCr Superalloy (poster)VII
Wangyao P.Structure and Fractography Analysis of Nickel Base Superalloy Subjected to Low Cycle Fatigue (oral)VII
Woo C. H.Atomistic Simulation of Dislocation Dynamics (key-note)plenary
Wu X.A Review of Factors Influencing the Ductility and Failure in Some Ti and in TiAl Alloys (key-note)VIII
Yamaguchi M.Deformation and Fracture of PST Crystals and Directionally Solidified Ingots of TiAl-base Alloys (key-note)plenary
Zasimchuk E. E.Multiscale Correlation Effects during Fatigue Damage Evolution Observed by Surface Roughness Analysis (oral)II
Zasimchuk E. E.Optical Topography Analysis of Single Crystals for Indirect Estimation of Deformation Damage of Aircraft Alloys under Fatigue Test (oral)II
Zasimchuk I. K.Optical Topography Analysis of Single Crystals for Indirect Estimation of Deformation Damage of Aircraft Alloys under Fatigue Test (oral)II
Zhu W. J.Atomistic Simulation of Dislocation Dynamics (key-note)plenary
Zrnik J.Analysis of Thermomechanical Processing on Creep Deformation Behaviour of NiMoCr Superalloy (poster)VII
Zrnik J.Structure and Fractography Analysis of Nickel Base Superalloy Subjected to Low Cycle Fatigue (oral)VII
Zuidema J.Anomalous Fatigue Crack Growth Behaviour in AA 2024 and AA 5083 (key-note)VII
